THIS IS NOT THE END hits shelves in Germany!

As of today (19th February 2024), my debut novel THIS IS NOT THE END has been published in Germany!

This is the first official translation of any of my writing, and so to say I’m excited is a huge understatement. I signed for this book to be published with Hanser Literaturverlage what feels like ages ago, to the point where sometimes it felt like I’d dreamt it. And then when you’re writing and promoting later books, going back to earlier ones can be kind of like, oh yeah, that book!

But goodness gracious, am I so happy with how they’ve interpreted this book. The cover, the spredges, the cool things Hanser are doing to promote it - I genuinely couldn’t be more over the moon.

Translations in general are entities unto themselves - they take on their own lives based on the country in which they’re published, which I think is so fascinating. I love the idea of Hugh and Olivia getting their own interpretation and chance at life in this new country, seeing how they’re depicted and what German audiences will think of them. I’m so honoured and so thrilled to see what new adventure these two (and their story) go on.

So if you’re in Germany, make sure to check out this beaut of a book at a bookstore near you or grab a copy online here.


ALINDY on Kirkus Reviews


Book three, done!